How do I publish a document?

  1. Make sure that the document is approved. Unapproved documents cannot be published until they are approved.
  2.  Ensure that publishing is allowed for the framework or folder where the document is located. To check whether publishing is allowed for a framework, go to Tools/Config > Application Options > Publisher and select the framework using the framework tabs in the Framework Specific Publishing Settings section. To check whether publishing is allowed for a DMS folder, go into the DMS, select the folder and select the folder's Publishing tab.
  3. Determine whether to publish a document as Private or Public. Private refers to the fact that the document is password protected or is stored in a protected location. Public means that the document can be accessed without a username or password. Published documents (except for web forms with editable fields) are usually published as read-only documents but if you require a document to be editable when published, select Unprotected.
  4. In any document list, use the tick boxes in the Publish Public, Publish Private or Unprotected columns to publish the document.
    Note that you can also mark a document to be published using the publishing options in the NovaCore Toolbox when creating/editing/revising documents.
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